Friday, July 30, 2010

Body Peace

So, I have been a proud subscriber of Seventeen magazine for 3 and a half years now and I FINALLY signed the "body peace treaty". The rules of the pledge weren't what I thought they would be either, the first rule is not to be embarrassed to have a second slice of pizza, which was very relieving. Now here's the thing, I know that I am beautiful but who doesn't doubt themselves from time to time, or most of the time? Since signing the treaty I've realized how often I think self-hating thoughts, and that I eat when I'm bored. What I'm trying to say is that not only will I think of myself better but also take better care of myself. After all, this is the only body I have. I need to love it.

PS- Recent studies suggest that women who sit for six or more hours a day are more likely to die early than women who sit for three hours a day.

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