Friday, July 16, 2010


So I wasn't planning on posting anything else until tomorrow, but one of my best friends, Brittany, insisted that I did. And something celebratory came up...

I GOT A NEW DOG! He is a black labrador/retriever/terrier mix and has a white chest and beautiful eyes. I'm not sure how I feel about this though because we recently had to get rid of our last dog, Annabelle- a basenji/labrador mix due to her highly aggressive behavior (she bit my sister's friend's dad hard enough to draw blood). Anyway, I love Annabelle so much. I was the one who named her, she slept with me every night, and even though she is insane (she is a ball of energy), I love her. So naturally I'm upset that we had to get rid of her. Mind you this was less than 3weeks ago and we already have a new dog. Everyone else in my family is super excited about this, but I just can't find it in me. I don't doubt that I'll love this new dog, I just really miss Annabelle.

None the less, welcome to the family Charlie!

PS- I'll put up a picture later.

God bless,

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