Friday, July 16, 2010

My Faith

I am not one of those people who has an amazing story of how they came to Christ- I have been a Christian since I left the womb. I attended an episcopal church until I was 12, then my family switched churches. My current church, the Royal Oak Vineyard Church, is non-denominational. I haven't had the best life, but that's only brought me closer to God, He would never put any of His children through anything they can't handle. There has only been one time when I questioned my faith, and that was when I was eleven and a lot of things were going on at home. Anyway, that's just a little background on me and I'm sure you'll be privy to more information as time goes on, just be patient.

I have to get off of here now, but I'll be sure to post something soon.

God bless,

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